frequently asked Questions
Welcome to our FAQ page! Here you will find answers to frequently asked questions about our educational games. We want to make sure that you are well informed and that you can optimally design your learning experience together with your kids and our educational games.
I can't find the field for my discount code
After you have clicked on Checkout, the code can be entered either A) in the order summary to the right of the address entry or B) after the address entry just before entering the payment details.
How do I get my returns slip?
If you want to send something back, just send us an email to koelner@lernspielverlag.com . We will then provide you with your return slip.
We are an establishment and cannot pay using the payment options provided, what next?
Please send us your order by email to: koelner@lernspielverlag.com . We would then enclose the invoice with the package.
Are you planning larger order quantities and would like to receive an individual offer? You are also welcome to send us an email to koelner@lernspielverlag.com
Meine gelieferten Kartensätze sind auf Englisch / in Englisch beschriftet
Die Kartensets sind je nach Altersgruppe immer bilingual doppelseitig bedruckt: Vorderseite auf Deutsch, Rückseite auf Englisch. Manchmal kann es im Druck passieren, dass das Deckblatt mit der englischen Seite nach vorne zeigt – die andere Seite der Karten wäre dann auf Deutsch. Es handelt sich also um die gleichen Sets 🧡